We specialize in a number of areas because we have experts in different fields of law
Patent Law
Whether you have spent months engineering a product or were suddenly inspired with a great idea, the first step to realizing the potential of your invention is to protect it. Let our expert patent attorneys help.
Our trademark attorneys handle all stages of the trademark process from performing a trademark search to preparing a trademark application and from drafting a trademark license to handling trademark litigation.
Arizona immigration attorneys counsel individuals, small and large companies and family members in many areas of immigration law including both family and employment based immigration.
In the digital age we live in, your creative works can now be easily copied and distributed throughout the world. As a result, there is a greater need today than ever before to protect your creative works by federally registering your copyright.
We counsel individuals, executives, entrepreneurs and business owners on all entity formation issues, including the formation of corporations and limited liability companies (LLC’s) within Arizona and Nevada.
The intellectual property attorneys at Weiss & Moy, P.C. not only help our clients obtain patents, trademarks and copyrights, we also help you enforce your rights with an active intellectual property litigation practice.